Rebecca St. Clair, Scene #01 - Only Teen Blowjobs


Rebecca St. Clair was unspeakably young when she gave her first blowjob. So aside from that being a little \'weird\', the good thing is that since then, she's had a lot of practice. You might think that the time for \'firsts\' in Rebecca's life is long gone, but wait ... this is her first time sucking a cock on camera! Rebecca looks like no virgin I've ever seen, but at least we got to pop her cherry on something! Seeing as how she's been doing it for so long, she doesn't need much instruction sucking a cock. She takes to it like a fish to water (or a cocksucker to sperm) and sucks long and hard on the big pole our boy brings her. After sucking him until her cheeks practically cave in, Rebecca causes an eruption that would put Vesuvius to shame. I already can't wait to see her back here again. Bring back the girl with stars on her tits and cum in her eyes!Super-cock-star!**Monique**
